Our Path Forward.
Wisconsinites are far more than their party affiliation—Republican or Democrat—they are people with shared values facing pressing challenges every day.
Jodi knows that our community doesn't need another politician playing the party lines, we need a leader who will take action and build a coalition to better our lives and the lives of our children.
It's time to get the Senate back to work for the people of Wisconsin.
Jodi's Stance:
Protecting Women's Healthcare Access
Jodi knows reproductive rights are human rights and decisions about pregnancy and healthcare should be a decision made by women, not by far-right politicians in Madison.
Jodi’s far-right extremist opponent, Duey Stroebel, has consistently voted to restrict reproductive rights, voting as recently as this year for a 14 week abortion ban, with no exceptions for rape or incest. Duey Stroebel has also voted to block legislation to guarantee the right to contraception and IVF in Wisconsin. He was also the only senator in Wisconsin to vote against the extension of postpartum care for 12 months to new moms on BadgerCare.
We need a senator who understands Wisconsin women are still one state supreme court seat away from losing the right to choose, forcing women to leave the state to receive the care they need. With women’s reproductive health and freedoms on the line–as they still are in Wisconsin–we need to make sure we elect a commonsense pro-choice majority to the state senate.
Strengthening Our Democracy
In recent years, we have seen unfounded claims of election fraud, “anonymous objections” on controversial projects, voter suppression, and gerrymandered voting maps all undermine the public’s trust in our democracy.
Jodi cares deeply about restoring and protecting this trust. She will advocate for government transparency, fair maps, reducing unreasonable barriers for eligible voters, will support local election officials and call out misinformation for what it is. Jodi will be an advocate for any legislation that makes it easier for Wisconsinites to vote and will fight back against any attempts to reduce access to the ballot box.
Keeping Our Communities Safe
Jodi knows that keeping our communities safe starts at the local level.
She believes we must prioritize getting local law enforcement the funding and resources they need to prevent crime and protect our communities.
We need to invest in more police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services. We need to focus on clearing the backlog in our court system, investing in addiction and mental health services, and in community-based crime prevention.
A Stark Contrast
Jodi's values are the shared values of Senate District 8. Duey Stroebel's record is out of touch with our communities.
See a contrast document of their priorities and record here.
Growing Our Economy
As a longtime business owner, Jodi understands the supply chain disruptions and worker shortage problems that are hurting our small businesses and affecting families statewide. Having fought for decades to keep their factory here in Wisconsin, including through the hard times of recessions and the pandemic, she'll put Wisconsin businesses and workers first, not overseas ones.
While others talk about creating good Wisconsin jobs, Jodi has done it. She knows what it takes to grow our local economy, combat rising costs, and create good-paying jobs.
Safeguarding Our Environment
Jodi has spent her career building coalitions to protect our natural resources, especially our Great Lakes, drinking water, and Wisconsin wildlife. Jodi helped negotiate the Great Lakes Compact, and knows how to work across the aisle for conservation. Jodi knows the threat of climate change is real, and that our state’s vulnerable ecosystems, forest systems and wildlife depend upon leaders who value science-based policies, sustainable funding for natrual resources management, and conservation practices.
Her opponent, Duey Stroebel, in contrast, has prioritized backing private interests and big business over our environment, even at the expense of one of our state’s most spectacular places, the Cedar Gorge Clay Bluffs located along the shores of Lake Michigan in Ozaukee County.
We need to elect someone who understands the importance of environmental protections and conservation to our quality of life and that of future generations. This is why we need to elect Jodi, who is a true environmental champion.
Lowering Taxes
Right now, we have a tax code that does not work and a state budget surplus that provides us with an amazing opportunity to fix it.
We need to provide meaningful, targeted relief to the middle class. Jodi will prioritize reducing the tax burden on working families across our state and ensuring that the highest earners pay their fair share.
A Strong Education System
Jodi believes Wisconsin needs to have the best schools, from pre-K through college. With historic budget surpluses and a record number of local school district referenda, Wisconsin needs to invest in our future and support our public schools, and reduce the burden on local property taxpayers. We need to reduce class sizes, invest in youth mental health, and ensure our kids have all the support they need to learn and thrive.
Jodi is a strong supporter of our University of Wisconsin System, and taught for several years at the UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences. The UW System has been underfunded for years - Jodi believes in restoring the Wisconsin Idea.